
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Freckles & Fun REWIND - The Prickly Posie TUTORIAL

Since this week's giveaway involves some pretty handmade flowers, I thought it would be FUN to rewind & revisit a very popular Freckles & Fun tutorial. The Prickly Posie. Enjoy! And please, take a minute to enter to win our giveaway :) We'll announce the winners tomorrow!

- The Prickly Posie -

- The Prickly Posie Tutorial -

Recently my Mom gave me this fabric. Like so many of us she bought it & never found the motivation to make anything with rather than hoard it, she passed it on to me. 
Well, let me be candid with you...I'm NOT diggin' the pattern of this fabric. And I'm certainly NOT going to make so much as a bandana out of it. BUT, I DO like the colors! So would it surprise you if I said I was inspired to make flowers with it?
Hahaha, it's becoming "my thing" - to make flowers, isn't it?

Let's get started, shall we?

You Need:
Fabric, Scissors,
Hot Glue/Gun, Coordinating Felt,
Bar Pins or Hair Pins, & Fingers

Cut the fabric into several circles.
I cut out approx 75 - 2" circles.
This was enough for two 2" pins & one 1" hair-pin.



Start snipping in the middle of your folded circle.
Aim your scissors toward the middle of the raw edge.
Repeat from the opposite side ^
 Unfold to reveal a pointy-star

Bunch 'em & Scrunch 'em

Now, squeeze some hot glue in the center of the wrong/dull side of the fabric-star AND...

Pinch the star together from the unglued/right side of the fabric...continue to do this to ALL of your circles. I used 25-30 stars for my flower-pins that are on a 2" felt circle.
Gather some coordinating felt (cut into a circle - mine is 2" around), a bar pin or hair clip,  and of course grab your glue gun again!

Begin to glue the stars on, near the edge, leaving a small space as you go.
I like to work from the outside in but you may also work from the inside out if you prefer.

^ 1st Row glued on.
^ 2nd Row glued on.
Just fill in those gaps left from the 1st row.
^ 3rd Row glued on.
Again, fill in the gaps left from the previous row.
^ Finishing it...
Squeeze a dollop of hot glue in the leftover center space.
Place 3-4 more stars into the center...or more if needed.

I don't have a pic for this part :( Sorry about that...
Glue your bar pin or clip onto the back of your felt base.
*I like to position my bar pin towards the top of the circle.
With the leftover stars I made a smaller flower for a hair pin.
This one used 20 stars & the felt circle was 1" wide.

Aren't they great? I think the fabric looks much better this way :)
Colorful & sassy!
And surprisingly they're not pink like every other flower I make!

So my friends, the next time you come across some fabric in your stash, that you just DON'T know WHAT to do with, or have some scraps that you really love...think about this flower! The points of the star take away from the pattern & allow the colors to POP!, I'll let you in on a little secret...
This is exactly how I made The Pretty Pink Posie except for the snip-snip step I did a curvy-cut rather than a pointed-cut.


  1. this is very pretty, luv the fabric you use.
    I'm inviting you to join our linking party every Wednesday at
    Have a fabulous week,

  2. Eye catching thumbnail via The Girl Creative. I could totally make these! thank you for an easy, yet impressive idea.

  3. I personally love that flowers are your "thing". lol I'm just now getting into the flower thing, and you always show me everything I can do. :)

  4. So very cute! They look beautiful.

  5. I love them!! Thank you SOOO much for sharing, especially about the posie (I've been waiting for that one). I have been storing up fabric for them!

  6. I love that one Julie!!! It's adorable and would look so cute in my hair don't you think?! LOL! Love u:)

  7. Oh my! These are too stinkin' cute!! Great job!

  8. Love it!!! I especially love the no-sew aspect. I am a klutz with the sewing machine!

  9. Wow, those are so cute! Love 'em!

  10. these are great, thanks for sharing!

  11. These are so cute. I have been in a flower mood lately too.

  12. Cool tut! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  13. That turned out so cute! Such a fun idea! I have a party going on over at my blog if you want to join! I'd love to have you! Check it out under the "Stache Party" page on my blog:

  14. Love these! I have a hard time wearing flowers because sometimes they are just too girly. This has just the right amount of edge!

  15. This was awesome, I like the fabric choice :).Great blog, am a new follower!

  16. O cute. I would love for u to share at my link party. Thanks

  17. I am loving flowers too, and these are great! I have never seen any like these. So many people know that I sew and I seem to be the one that gets ALL the ugly fabric so I think I will make some of these. Thanks for sharing :)

  18. What a great use of a fabric where the pattern didn't work for you, but the colors did! Great job, Julie! I'm seeing these maybe done on a larger scale, gluing two together to form a ball and hanging them as a party decoration... might be fun!

  19. You have been featured at SSB! Check it out at the link below:

    Feel free to snag the I Was Featured button for your blog and visit again soon!!

  20. These are such cute fabric flowers! I'll definitely have to give them a try! Thanks for the inspiration!

  21. These are so neat and cute!! I would have never thought of cutting the fabric that way to make a flower! I'd love for you to link up at my Tuesday Tutorials link party! I'll be hosting one every Tuesday, the link is open now :) Hope to see you there!

  22. thought I'd seen every version of a fabric flower out there, but these are my new fave! I LOVE how you used that, ahem, lovely fabric and turned it into something so. stinkin. cute!
    Thanks for linking up to WWWW! I'm featuring your awesomeness today!

  23. LOVE these!!! They turned out beautiful! Thanks so much for linking up! I will be featuring these pretty flowers tomorrow! Have a great weekend!
    Homemaker in Heels

  24. Hi there! New follower:) I found you thru pinterest! Love the flower!! besos!

  25. These are so cute! What a great gift idea... I can't wait to make something like this for my friends :)

  26. I ADORE these!!! Thank you so much for sharing how to make them!!!

  27. I love these! I wear flowers in my hair all the time! I could really use one of these! Thanks for sharing

  28. So, did I ever tell you that I made one of these?? I LOVE IT!! Also, I'm so glad you decided to "revisit" it because I am going to feature you tomorrow on my Friday Finds! ;)

  29. these are wonderful! can i pin it? thanks for the tutorial.

  30. LOVE this, thank you for sharing. I will give this a try for sure.

  31. linking over from Flamingo Toes, what a great tutorial, I may make some and put on my blog with a link back to you, I just got a new haircut and the hair pins would be great for it!

    1. I made this today and it was GREAT, I loved it. I will be sharing it with on my blog Thursday and made sure they have to come visit you to see the tutorial. Thanks so much I can't wait to make them for my friends girls!

  32. Oooh, thanks for the great tutorial! This is one fabric flower I haven't tried yet! Thanks for linking at Shine on Fridays!!

  33. Oh wow! I LOVE these! They are so fluffy and girly! I'd love to use them as a bow for my girls, as embellishments on wreaths...even on my mantel for a fun spring look! Thanks for sharing. Would so love if you'd share on my weekly linky party at Teagan's Travels. Here's the link for the party going on now...

    Thanks, Michelle

  34. I'm pinning these! They are so cute! You need to link 'em up to my party:

  35. These are so brilliant! Saw them over at Flamingo Toes and had to come check out the tutorial. Thanks for sharing!

  36. Thanks for linking up this awesome tutorial on my Destination: Inspiration linky party! I can't wait to try these for Memorial Day...they look like the perfect firework burst! Popping in to let you know I featured these this week on Teagan's Travels! Would love if you'd grab a feature button from my side bar and link up again!

    Have a great week! Michelle @ Teagan's Travels

  37. Just wanted to let you know I made this fabulous flower in our Tacky Tie Challenge.
    I attached a link on my personal blog
    I am a designer at the Little Blue House in Keller Texas. This is our blog
    Thanks for a fabulous tutorial!!

  38. This is beautiful and so easy! I was wondering how people made those cute hair bows. Thanks for sharing. See you at True Aim.

  39. Who knew it'd be so easy? I love your choice of fabric! So pretty!

  40. Such a pretty flower! I so want to make this tomorrow!

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